Oct 15, 2020 - Explore Marianne Guymon's board "Jack O' Lantern Ideas", followed by 765 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Halloween pumpkins, Pumpkin carving, Halloween crafts.Jack O'Lantern's Origin Billy and Mandy's Jacked Up Halloween. According to Grim, Jack was a prankster in medieval Endsville, which is presumed to be between the 1500-1600s. He was pleasant, but he loved to pull pranks on the townspeople (sawing chair legs, changing road signs, "kick me" signs, etc).--Jack O' Lantern src Origin. Growing up "Jack" was a bad child who disobeyed his parents and hurt animals. One Halloween, he came to the house of the Crime-Master, who knocked him out with gas and kidnapped him. Initially, he was afraid of him, but he soon grew to consider him his true father. Over time, he was trained to be a master assassinAny creature within 30 feet of a jack-o'-lantern must succeed at a DC 13 Will save or be shaken for 2d6 minutes. If the Will save is successful, the creature is immune to that jack-o'-lantern's fear aura for 24 hours. This is a vision-based mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based and includes a +4 racial bonus.Jack-o'-lantern definition is - a lantern made of a pumpkin usually cut to resemble a human face.
Jack O'Lantern - The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Wiki
Get the best deals on Jack O' Lantern when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices.The "jack-o'-lantern" may be derived from the character. Story. As the story goes, several centuries ago amongst myriad towns and villages in Ireland, there lived a drunkard known as "Stingy Jack". Jack was known throughout the land as a deceiver or manipulator.A jack o'lantern is a solid block that provides light. 1 Obtaining 1.1 Breaking 1.2 Natural generation 1.3 Mob loot 1.4 Crafting 2 Usage 2.1 Light source 2.2 Building golems 2.3 Placement 3 Sounds 4 Data values 4.1 ID 4.2 Block data 4.3 Block states 5 Achievements 6 Advancements 7 Video 8...In the mainstream Marvel universe, a revolving door of individuals have held the name Jack O'Lantern throughout the years, all of them using the mantel for criminal purposes. The current man behind the mask is an unnamed criminal who stumbled upon a stash belonging to one of the previous holders of the identity. The individual preceding him, a man only known as Jack, was an operative of The

Jack O'Lantern (Crime-Master's) (Earth-616) - Marvel
Jack O'Lantern was created by Steven T Seagle and Frank Squillace. He made his first appearance in Justice League Quarterly #14. Major Story Arcs Primal Force.Kesoto Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Paper Lanterns Halloween Pumpkin Hanging Paper Lantern for Home Outdoor Decoration, Multi-Sized, Pack of 10. 4.7 out of 5 stars 193. 29% off. $11.99 $ 11. 99 $16.99 $16.99. Lowest price in 30 days. TG,LLC Treasure Gurus Stoneware Fireplace Jack O Lantern Firepit Ceramic Pumpkin Fall Fire Place Log Halloween Decor.Jack-o'-lantern, in meteorology, a mysterious light seen at night flickering over marshes; when approached, it advances, always out of reach. The phenomenon is also known as will-o'-the-wisp and ignis fatuus (Latin: "foolish fire"). In popular legend it is considered ominous and is often purportedSorlakar Evil Jack-O-Lantern, Light up Spooky Halloween Pumpkin Lantern Halloween Decoration for Indoor Outdoor Festival Celebration 4.1 out of 5 stars 5 $39.99 $ 39 . 99 $44.99 $44.99Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Cut the top off the pumpkin and scoop out the insides. Rinse well. Carve a spooky face onto the pumpkin, without going all the way through the flesh.
Jump to navigation Jump to search For other uses, see Jack-o'-lantern (disambiguation). A traditional American jack-o'-lantern, made from a pumpkin, lit from within by a candle. A jack-o'-lantern in the shape of the Wikipedia logo.
A jack-o'-lantern (or jack o'lantern) is a carved pumpkin, turnip, or other root vegetable lantern,[1] commonly associated with the Halloween holiday. Its name comes from the reported phenomenon of strange lights flickering over peat bogs, called will-o'-the-wisps or jack-o'-lanterns. The name is also tied to the Irish legend of Stingy Jack, a drunkard who bargains with Satan and is doomed to roam the Earth with only a hollowed turnip to light his way.
Jack-o'-lanterns carved from pumpkins are a yearly Halloween tradition that came to the United States from Irish immigrants.[2]
In a jack-o'-lantern, the top of the pumpkin or turnip is cut off to form a lid, the inside flesh is scooped out, and an image—usually a scary or funny face—is carved out of the rind to expose the hollow interior. To create the lantern effect, a light source, traditionally a flame such as a candle or tealight, is placed within before the lid is closed. However, artificial jack-'o-lanterns with electric lights are also marketed. It is common to see jack-o'-lanterns used as external and internal decorations prior to and on Halloween.
An assortment of carved pumpkins.The term jack-o'-lantern was originally used to describe the visual phenomenon ignis fatuus (lit., "foolish fire") known as a will-o'-the-wisp in English folklore. Used especially in East England, its earliest known use dates to the 1660s.[3] The term "will-o'-the-wisp" uses "wisp" (a bundle of sticks or paper sometimes used as a torch) and the proper name "Will": thus, "Will-of-the-torch." The term jack o'lantern is of the same construction: "Jack of [the] lantern."
A plaster cast of a traditional Irish Jack-o'-Lantern in the Museum of Country Life, Ireland. Modern carving of a Cornish Jack-o'-Lantern made from a turnip. OriginThe carving of vegetables has been a common practice in many parts of the world. It is believed that the custom of making jack-o'-lanterns at Hallowe'en time began in Ireland.[4][5][6] In the 19th century, "turnips or mangel wurzels, hollowed out to act as lanterns and often carved with grotesque faces," were used on Halloween in parts of Ireland and the Scottish Highlands.[7] In these Gaelic-speaking regions, Halloween was also the festival of Samhain and was seen as a time when supernatural beings (the Aos Sí), and the souls of the dead, walked the earth. Jack-o'-lanterns were also made at Halloween time in Somerset (see Punkie Night) during the 19th century.[7]
By those who made them, the lanterns were said to represent either spirits or supernatural beings,[7] or were used to ward off evil spirits.[8] For example, sometimes they were used by Halloween participants to frighten people,[8][9][10] and sometimes they were set on windowsills to keep harmful spirits out of one's home.[9] It has also been suggested that the jack-o'-lanterns originally represented Christian souls in purgatory, as Halloween is the eve of All Saints' Day (1 November)/All Souls' Day (2 November).[11]
On Halloween in 1835, the Dublin Penny Journal published a long story on the legend of "Jack-o'-the-Lantern".[12] In 1837, the Limerick Chronicle refers to a local pub holding a carved gourd competition and presenting a prize to "the best crown of Jack McLantern". The term "McLantern" also appears in an 1841 publication of the same paper.[13]
There is also evidence that turnips were used to carve what was called a "Hoberdy's Lantern" in Worcestershire, England, at the end of the 18th century. The folklorist Jabez Allies outlines other derivations of the name, "Hobany's", which is most likely derived from "Hob and his", with other variations including "Hob-o'-Lantern", "Hobbedy's Lantern" and "Hobbady-lantern".[14]
In North AmericaAdaptations of Washington Irving's short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" (1820) often show the Headless Horseman with a pumpkin or jack-o'-lantern in place of his severed head. (In the original story, a shattered pumpkin is discovered next to Ichabod Crane's abandoned hat on the morning after Crane's supposed encounter with the Horseman.)
The application of the term to carved pumpkins in American English is first seen in 1834.[15] The carved pumpkin lantern's association with Halloween is recorded in the 1 November 1866 edition of the Daily News (Kingston, Ontario):
The old time custom of keeping up Hallowe'en was not forgotten last night by the youngsters of the city. They had their maskings and their merry-makings, and perambulated the streets after dark in a way which was no doubt amusing to themselves. There was a great sacrifice of pumpkins from which to make transparent heads and face, lighted up by the unfailing two inches of tallow candle.[16]
James Fenimore Cooper wrote a nautical novel titled The Jack O'lantern (le Feu-Follet), Or the Privateer (1842). The Jack O'lantern was the name of the ship.[17]
The poet John Greenleaf Whittier, who was born in Massachusetts in 1807, wrote the poem "The Pumpkin" (1850):[18]
Oh!—fruit loved of boyhood!—the old days recalling, When wood-grapes were purpling and brown nuts were falling! When wild, ugly faces we carved in its skin, Glaring out through the dark with a candle within!
Agnes Carr Sage, in the article, "Halloween Sports and Customs" (Harper's Young People (1885):[19]
It is an ancient British custom to light great bonfires (Bone-fire to clear before Winter froze the ground) on Hallowe'en, and carry blazing fagots about on long poles; but in place of this, American boys delight in the funny grinning jack-o'-lanterns made of huge yellow pumpkins with a candle inside.
In the United States, the carved pumpkin was first associated with the harvest season in general, long before it became a symbol of Halloween.[20] In 1895, an article on Thanksgiving entertaining recommended a lit jack-o'-lantern as part of the festivities.[20][21]
Folklore A commercial "R.I.P." pattern. Halloween jack-o'-lantern. Pumpkin projected onto the wall.The story of the jack-o'-lantern comes in many forms and is similar to the story of Will-o'-the-wisp[22] retold in different forms across Western Europe,[23] including, Italy, Norway, Spain and Sweden.[24] In Switzerland, children will leave bowls of milk or cream out for mythical house spirits called Jack o' the bowl.[25] An old Irish folk tale from the mid-18th century tells of Stingy Jack, a lazy yet shrewd blacksmith who uses a cross to trap Satan. One story says that Jack tricked Satan into climbing an apple tree, and once he was up there, Jack quickly placed crosses around the trunk or carved a cross into the bark, so that Satan couldn't get down.[26]
Another version of the story says that Jack was getting chased by some villagers from whom he had stolen. He then met Satan, who claimed it was time for him to die. However, the thief stalled his death by tempting Satan with a chance to bedevil the church-going villagers chasing him. Jack told Satan to turn into a coin with which he would pay for the stolen goods (Satan could take on any shape he wanted); later, when the coin (Satan) disappeared, the Christian villagers would fight over who had stolen it. The Devil agreed to this plan. He turned himself into a silver coin and jumped into Jack's wallet, only to find himself next to a cross Jack had also picked up in the village. Jack had closed the wallet tight, and the cross stripped the Devil of his powers; and so he was trapped.
In both folktales, Jack lets Satan go only after he agrees to never take his soul. Many years later, the thief died, as all living things do. Of course, Jack's life had been too sinful for him to go to heaven; however, Satan had promised not to take his soul, and so he was barred from hell as well.[27] Jack now had nowhere to go. He asked how he would see where to go, as he had no light, and Satan mockingly tossed him a burning coal, to light his way. Jack carved out one of his turnips (which were his favorite food), put the coal inside it, and began endlessly wandering the Earth for a resting place.[27] He became known as "Jack of the Lantern", or jack o'lantern.
Cornish folklorist Dr. Thomas Quiller Couch (d. 1884) recorded the use of the term in a rhyme used in Polperro, Cornwall, in conjunction with Joan the Wad, the Cornish version of Will-o'-the-wisp. The people of Polperro regarded them both as pixies. The rhyme goes:[28]
Jack o' the lantern! Joan the wad, Who tickled the maid and made her mad Light me home, the weather's bad.
Jack-o-lanterns were also a way of protecting one's home against the undead. Superstitious people[29] used them specifically to ward off vampires. They thought this because it was said that the jack-o-lantern's light was a way of identifying vampires who, once their identity was known, would give up their hunt for you.
Pumpkin craft
A jack-o'-lanternSections of the pumpkin or turnip are cut out to make holes, often depicting a face, which may be either cheerful, scary, or comical.[30]
World records
Most jack-o'-lanterns carved and lit in one placeFor a long time, Keene, New Hampshire, held the world record for most jack-o'-lanterns carved and lit in one place. The Life is Good Company teamed up with Camp Sunshine,[31] a camp for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families, to break the record. A record was set on October 21, 2006, when 30,128 jack-o'-lanterns were simultaneously lit on Boston Common in downtown Boston, Massachusetts.[32] Highwood, Illinois, tried to set the record on October 31, 2011, with an unofficial count of 30,919 but did not follow the Guinness regulations, so the achievement did not count.[33]
On October 19, 2013, Keene, New Hampshire, broke the Boston record and reclaimed the world record for most lit jack-o'-lanterns on display (30,581). Keene has now broken the record eight times since the original attempt.[34]
See also
Apotropaic magic Cuco The Great PumpkinReferences
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Retrieved 2018-10-25. ^ "History of the Jack O' Lantern". HISTORY. Retrieved 2018-10-25. ^ Harper, Douglas. "Jack o'lantern (n.)". Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 9 May 2013. ^ The Oxford Companion to American Food and Drink. Oxford University Press. 2007. p. 269. ISBN 9780195307962. Retrieved February 17, 2011. ^ "Pumpkins Passions". BBC. October 31, 2005. Retrieved October 19, 2006. They continue to be popular choices today as carved lanterns in Northern England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland; the British purchased a million pumpkins for Halloween in 2004." ^ "Turnip battles with pumpkin for Hallowe'en". BBC. October 28, 2005. Retrieved September 23, 2007. ^ a b c Hutton, Ronald (1996). The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain. Oxford University Press. pp. 382–383. ^ a b Palmer, Kingsley (1973). Oral folk-tales of Wessex. David & Charles. pp. 87–88. ^ a b Arnold, Bettina (2001-10-31). "Bettina Arnold – Halloween Lecture: Halloween Customs in the Celtic World". Halloween Inaugural Celebration. University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee: Center for Celtic Studies. Archived from the original on 2011-06-24. Retrieved 2007-10-16. ^ Wilson, David Scofield (1999). Rooted in America: Foodlore of Popular Fruits and Vegetables. University of Tennessee Press. p. 154. ^ Rogers, Nicholas (2003). Halloween: From Pagan Ritual to Party Night. Oxford University Press. p. 57. ^ "History of Jack-o'-the-Lantern". Dublin Penny Journal. 3–4: 229, 1835. 1835. ^ "Jack-o'-Lantern History". History.com. ^ Kittredge, G. L. (1900). "The Friar's Lantern and Friar Rush". PMLA. 15 (4): 415–441. doi:10.2307/456566. ISSN 0030-8129. JSTOR 456566. ^ "Jack-o'-lantern". Oxford English Dictionary. ^ "Carved pumpkin". Daily News. Kingston, Ontario. November 1, 1866. ^ "Review of Cooper's 'Jack O'Lantern'". The Spectator. December 3, 1842. ^ Whittier, John Greenleaf (1885). "The Pumpkin". Poets.org. Archived from the original on 2010-11-28. ^ Sage, Agnes Carr (October 27, 1885). "Halloween Sports and Customs". Harper's Young People. p. 828. ^ a b "The Day We Celebrate: Thanksgiving Treated Gastronomically and Socially". The New York Times. November 24, 1895. p. 27. ^ "Odd Ornaments for Table". The New York Times. October 21, 1900. p. 12. ^ Santino, Jack (1995). All Around the Year: Holidays and Celebrations in American Life. University of Illinois Press. p. 157. ^ Allies, Jabez (1856). The British, Roman, and Saxon antiquities and folklore of Worcestershire. London: J.R. Smith. p. 430. ^ Newell, William Wells (1 January 1904). "The Ignis Fatuus, Its Character and Legendary Origin". Journal of American Folk-Lore. 17. doi:10.2307/533988. JSTOR 533988. ^ http://www.bartleby.com/81/9071.html ^ Mark Hoerrner (2006). "History of the Jack-O-Lantern". buzzle.com. Retrieved 2007-05-09. ^ a b "History of the Jack O' Lantern". HISTORY. Retrieved 2018-10-20. ^ Simpson, Jacqueline; Roud, Steve (2000). A Dictionary of English Folklore. Oxford University Press. ^ James, David (2016-10-31). "The Tale o' Jack-o'-Lantern". 5-Minute History. Retrieved 2018-12-11. ^ Poe, R.H.; Hart, R.M.; Foster, K.; Noyes, L. (1990). You Can Carve Fantastic Jack-O-Lanterns. Storey Communications. ISBN 978-0-88266-580-1. ^ Camp Sunshine ^ Levenson, Michael & McCabe, Kathy (October 22, 2006). "A Love in Common for Pumpkins". The Boston Globe. p. B6.CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link) ^ "Highwood sets pumpkin-carving record". Highland Park News. Archived from the original on 2013-02-24. Retrieved 2012-10-30.CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link) ^ "Most Lit Jack-o'-lanterns Displayed". Guinness World Records.External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Jack-o'-lantern (category) Look up jack-o'-lantern in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.https://www.history.com/topics/halloween/jack-olantern-history https://www.boston.com/news/history/2014/10/29/the-history-of-the-jack-o-lantern-how-it-all-began-with-a-turnip http://mentalfloss.com/article/12865/whats-origin-jack-o-lanternsvteHalloweenMain topics History Samhain Allhallowtide Symbols Activities Geography Christian observancesTraditions Apple bobbing Cards Costumes Food Ghost tours Jack-o'-lantern Lighting candles on graves Prayer for the dead Soul cake Trick-or-treating PangangaluluwaEvents Bonfire Great Pumpkin Haunted attraction Hell house Pumpkin queenMedia Books Films Music albums songs TelevisionRelatedeventsFestival of the Dead Bon Festival Chuseok Día de Muertos Gai Jatra Pitri Paksha Qingming Festival Totensonntag Zhōng yuán jiéVeneration of the dead Death anniversary Death customs Kaddish YizkorOther events Allantide Beggars Night Devil's Night Dziady Eid il-Burbara Hop-tu-Naa Korochun Krampus Mischief Night Namahage Old Halloween Saci Day Superstition Will-o'-the-wisp Hobgoblins Category: Halloween vteCucurbitaList of gourds and squashesSpecies C. andreana C. argyrosperma C. californica C. cordata C. cylindrata C. digitata C. ecuadorensis C. ficifolia C. foetidissima C. fraterna C. galeottii C. gracilior C. kellyana C. lundelliana C. martinezii C. maxima C. moorei C. moschata C. okeechobeensis C. palmata C. palmeri C. pedatifolia C. pepo C. radicans C. scabridifolia C. sororia C. texanaCultivarsSummer squashes Aehobak Crookneck squash Gem squash Pattypan squash Straightneck squash Tromboncino ZucchiniWinter squashes and pumpkins Acorn squash Big Max Butternut squash Calabaza Connecticut field pumpkin Cushaw squash Delicata squash Giant pumpkin Honeynut squash Kabocha Marrow Red kuri squash Spaghetti squash Turban squashRelatedtopicsRaw materials Buffalo gourd oil Pumpkin seed oil Squash blossomsDishes List of squash and pumpkin dishes Bundevara Hitlerszalonna Kabak tatlısı Mashed pumpkin Pepita Pumpkin pie Squash soup Pumpkin soup Soup joumou Stuffed squashActivities Pumpkin carving Pumpkin chucking Pumpkin queen Category: Cucurbita Authority control: National libraries United States Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jack-o%27-lantern&oldid=1037821563"Jack O' Lantern

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